“The Myasthenia Alliance Australia (MAA) are very proud to continue the good work occurring with International June MG Awareness Month and delight in announcing the launch of an Australia wide “Art With Heart” Auction campaign in support of our condition. This Auction will run through until October and will have a focus on Art Therapy with the lead item for the Auction being a painting by our very own, Lyn Church. Lyn is an award winning Artist from the Gold Coast and she also suffers with Myasthenia Gravis. News from Lyn will follow over the coming months.
The first step in this Awareness endeavour requires us, our strong and committed Myasthenia community, to reach out to our families, friends, neighbours, workmates, health professionals, government representatives at all levels and everybody to ask for contributions to the auction. By doing this we are creating conversation! Conversation is information! Information is awareness! Contributions of all types (large, small, service based or tangible object) will be greatly welcomed. Please see the flyer and auction kit for specific details. Please call to discuss if you are uncertain 1800 802 568.
This is a major undertaking from the MAA and a first attempt to create widespread conversation. It is fully supported by the State Associations and now hopefully, by the MG community across Australia. Please do get behind this MAA campaign. Together we chip away for a better life for all.
Thanking you in anticipation.
An Artist Kit can be downloaded here
Kind regards
Susan White, MAA Chairperson