If you would like to assist with the development of future resources for this valuable program, we are looking for people to share their experience of immunoglobulin treatments. Carers are also welcome to participate.
NPS MedicineWise is looking for people who have been prescribed immunoglobulins (antibodies) as part of their treatment to take part in a short survey online and/or an in-depth interview over the phone.
The aim is to help us understand what types of information, tools and resources are helpful for people along the patient journey.
The information will be used to develop resources for consumers as part of a national program about immunoglobulins.
The survey is to be completed online and will take about 10-15 minutes. You can access the survey here https://surveys.nps.org.
The in-depth interview would be completed over the phone / Zoom and take between 30-45 minutes. There is a $50 gift card incentive for participation. Interviews will be available for the weeks of 19 April and 26 April. There are limited places available but to express your interest please email Angela Romero aromero@nps.org.au
If you would like to take part in this project, or need further information, please contact Lia Mahony lmahony@nps.org.au or phone (02) 8202 7105.